Angad Singh

Angad Singh, a youth activist and a film maker from Alpharetta. GA. USA. Became a role model with the very first film made by him ‘One Light’. He has been making films from a very young age with the aim to create a friendly atemosphre by making documentaries. The Ameircan Sikh boy gives the Gurmat message of Oneness of Humanity in his first film. He wants to say that we can make a peaceful world by building friendlier neighborhoods. He believes that if we each take a baby step towards a better world, together it will make a big difference. ‘One Light’ became an instrument to share the message of peace and youth activism towards peace at schools, youth conferences, film festivals and interfaith seminars. His another master piece ‘Roots & Wings’ also became an educational tool in many schools of America for creating a dialogue around the question, “What does it mean to an American in today multicultural society”. The Sikh child says that the USA is proudly known to be the melting pot of the world, then why he is not comfortable. This film made in 2009 won tremendous applause. It shows Angad’s ability to tell his story in such a manner that it touches the hearts and give the desired message. Both these films have been screened in dozens of film festivals, schools, youth conferences, community centers, satellite and cable stations across the globe, inspiring young and old alike to take a baby step in the direction of Peace. This role model film maker Sikh youth, till recently was a student of Columbia University from where he completed his gradtuation in Political Science. He is an excellent player also as well as a music lover.