Bhai Ranjit Singh


Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji is a well known Sikh preacher of the present times. As per the information available he was born in July 1983 in Punjab. Earlier, when he started Sikhi Parchar from Nirvair Khalsa Dal Gurdwara Parmeshar Duar Sahib, Patiala, the word Sant was pre-fixed to his name. Although he had a good following in that particular area, some voices were raised against him for the title Sant, for his life style and also his way of preaching. However, gradually, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji made it clear that he did not want the word Sant to be attached with his name, nor did he want that people touch his feet. He also changed his style of Parchar and started concentrating purely of Gurbani rather than on stories as per the Sant tradition style. When he started criticizing the other Sant Babas, a preacher class of that group became a rival. It was because of this opposition which led to an attack on his life. When Waheguru ji saved his life, he started Sikh Dharam Parchar more vigorously with a mission to apprise the Sikh Sangat of the basic concepts of Sikh religion. Bhai Harsimran Singh Bhai Pinderpal Singh Bhai Ranjit Singh 500 Sikh 216 Role Models He has got good knowledge of Gurbani and an ardent desire to spread the message of the Sikh Gurus in a simple and a impressive manner. He is giving his programmes all over the world, in the congregation as well as on electronic media which has added to his growing popularity. He boldly deals with all Sikh issues and convinces the people to become Amritdhar in big number. Under his influence, many people have taken Amrit, given up drugs and intoxicants and started leading the life of a Gursikh. He is against any kind of religious or political interference with Gurmat concepts. His Samagams are held periodically and are attended by a large number of devotees. It is his inspiration which is bringing people closer to Sikhism and this inspiration makes him a role-model of all. In addition to his main activity of promoting and propagating the values of Sikhism, he is also known for social activities in the forms of sewa, another notable feature of Sikhism. A free mass-marriage ceremony is organized on annual basis. Poor people who can’t manage marriage expanses for their daughters can register for this ceremony. The Gurdwara arranges the marriages on their expense and even provides common household articles. Gurdwara provides clothes, bed and bedding, watches, stoves, trunks and other household things to the newly wed couple to start a smooth married life. A totally-free hospital and a school are being planned to serve the rural people living around in 50 villages. With such activities, Bhai Ranjit Singh with 1000 of his recordings through which he has enlightened the masses about the teachings of the Gurus all over the world, definitely becomes a rolemodel for lakhs of people who hear him every day. For those who have differences with him on any issues, it only need to be stated that Gurbani teaches us to sort out any problem by sitting together and mutual understanding. No difference of opinion should bring any kind of division or groupism among the Sikhs. They need to be united for making the world aware of the greatness of this religion.