Historical Gurdwaras in South India

South India is comprised of five states, namely Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala. In addition, there are 3 union territories, namely Andaman and Nikobaar, Lakhsdeep & Puducerry. The Sikh population in the south India is very small as compared to the rest of Indian states except the far east. However as Guru Nanak travelled throughout the country and beyond for enlightening the people about the true path of religion based upon the principals of oneness of God and equality and fraternity among all the people, there are a number of spots even in south India which commemorate the visit of the great Guru. Thus, we have Gurdwaras in Rameshwaram, Kanchipuram, Thagaraya and Gurdwara Tilgangi Sahib located near Palipuram and Kotayam in the state of Tamilnadu.