Dr. Sukhbir Singh Kapoor


Dr. Sukhbir Singh Kapoor, a famous writer, scholar and an educator of England, was born on 21.11.1935 at Amritsar. After completing his education, he started his teaching carrier as Professor and Head of Accounting at S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, Delhi University. When he shifted to London, he added to his qualifications by studying in Glasgow and Londn Universities. His academic and professional achievements include qualifications of D.Litt., Ph.D., M.Comm., M.A.(Law), B.Com(Hons.), LL.B., FOMA and FCCA. He received Military traning as a cadet at Kamti for NCC, where he was commissioned as an Officer. Although his subject was Accountancy and he is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, U.K. and Chartered Associations of certified Accountants, U.K., his inclination towards Sikh studies made him an enterpreter of Sikh values and promoter of Sikh teachings, history, culture and traditions. He has written 50 books, of which 44 are on various aspects of Sikhism, one is on economic theory, one deals with Business Administrations, one is on Accountig Practice and three cover Punjabi poetry. His regular articles have appeared in many English and Punjabi magazines, and he has to his credit many hundred such article. His academic work has brought him numerous awards, including t he Punjabi Academy Award from the Government of Delhi. He has organised many symposia for drama and poetry and has directed many plays. When World Sikh University came into being at Harrow, London, he became the Founder Vice Chancellor. Thus, as a Sikh scholar of repute, journalist and a Vice Chancellor of a Sikh University, he is a great role model. He is also the Chief Editor of the Sikh Courier International. The Sikh Courier International is the only English Magazine published outside of India which is devoted solely to religiou publications. The role model Gursikh was honored with Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2010 in appreciation of his services to the community.