Guru Mustuk Singh Khalsa


When a christan person and a jewish lady became Sikhs under the influence of Yogi Harbhajan Singh, the couple, named, thereafter as Govinda Singh Khalsa and Satkiran Kaur Khalsa brought up their son Guru Mustuk Singh in Sikh way of living. He was sent for education to India, where he was taught the values of Sikhism. However, Guru Mustuk born on 24th March 1975, got deviated from the Sikh path during his youth, and was restored back again to this path by Yogi ji who directed him to move to Espanola, New Mexico to work at the Sikh Computer Consulting Company, Sun & Son. There Gurumustuk Singh learnt a lot more and finally was able to design, develop and maintain biggest Sikh website on the internet,Sikhnet. com in 1995. Since then, Sikh Net (a non profit organization) continues to serve, inspire, educate and inform over 20,000 unique visitors a day from all over the world. He also started the first and largest online matrimonial service for Sikhs ( before any similar service like this existed for the Asian / Sikh community. He later introduced many other innovative and unique web services (Including SikhiWiki, Gurbani Media Center, The Karma Game, Audio Stories for Kids, Youth Online Film Festival), which continue to serve the Sikh community today. Guru mustuk lives with his wife, daughter, and son in Espanola, NewMexico and continues to develop the Sikh Net website with the rest of the Sikh Net team. In view of his contribution in the field of internet services, he has become a role model, who is popularly known as mister Sikhnet.