Gurdwaras in Kurukshetra
Gurdwaras in Kurukshetra Gurdwaras in Kurukshetra There are many Shrines in and around Kurukshetra connected with Gurus. This town, being of vital religious significance for
After Punjab, Haryana & Himachal are the important states having a number of Gurdwaras. In Haryana, most of the historic Gurdwaras are located in Ambala & Kurkshetra Districts. The two most famous Gurdwaras in Ambala District of Haryana are Gurdwara Manji Sahib, Sanctified by the 6th Guru and Gurdwara Panjokhra Sahib, dedicated to the memory of Sri Guru Harkishan ji, who stayed here on his way to Delhi. It is at this place that the Guru smashed the pride of a learned Brahman Pandit Lalchand. The tradition records that Pandit Lalchand, who was proud of his caste and learning came to see the Guru and asked “It is said that you sit on the gaddi of Guru Nanak, but what do you know of the old religious books?” By chance Chhaju Ram, an illiterate dark-skinned village water carrier happened to pass by at that moment. Guru HarKishan asked one Dargah Mal to call him. As Chhaju Ram came, the Guru enquired if he would explain to the Pandit the gist of Bhagavat Gita. Saying so, the Guru placed his stick over the head of the water carrier, who astonished every one by giving a convincing commentary on the sacred book. Lal Chand’s pride was overcome. He fell at the Guru’s feet. Both he and Chhaju Ram became the disciples of the great Guru and travelled with him up to Kurukshetra. It is said that Pandit Lal Chand entered the fold of Khalsa, in Guru Gobind Singh’s time and took the name, Lal Singh. He met with a hero’s death fighting in the battle of Chamkaur, on December 7, 1705.
Gurdwaras in Kurukshetra Gurdwaras in Kurukshetra There are many Shrines in and around Kurukshetra connected with Gurus. This town, being of vital religious significance for
Gurdwara Sri Siddh Vati Sahib The Hindus believe that Brahma had performed Yagna at a place now called Barhmsar. Bathing in the tank their on
Gurdwara Paonta Sahib In Himachal, most of the historic Gurdwaras are located in Sirmour and Mandi Districts. The most important Gurdwara in Sirmour district is
Gurdwaras in Mandi and Rawalsar Pradesh situated in Mandi and Rawalsar. Both these Gurdwaras are also associated with the travels of Guru Gobind Singh. Mandi
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