Tarandeep Kaur

Tarandeep Kaur was born in Singapore where her family had shifted from Amritsar. Later on she went to UK and became financial analyst. She became a role model when she took a dicision to help the families of the farmers who are in a miserable condition and are committing sucide in Punjab. She felt bad to note that no Indians were coming forward for the cause of distressed famers in Punjab. She has already raised 2000 pounds but considering it inadequate, she has decided to raise money for them and for that she has chosen to run the 42 KM marathon. “The donations collected would be used for supporting families of farmers in Punjab through (the NGO) United Sikhs,” said Tarandeep while talking over phone from the UK. Some of the best marathoners in the world take part in this event known for breaking world records.
This includes Haile Gebrselassie, Paul Tergat and Wilson Kipsang. Her gesture to do something for the Punjab famers has made her a role model who has shown the way to others to come forward and help those farmers who feed the world. Those who have committed sucide, their widows and children are facing hunger and stress for the outstanding debt. It is our duty to look after their families, but who thinks about them, only a role model like Tarandeep Kaur.