Tejinder Pal Singh

Tejinder Pal Singh is an ordinary Gursikh who migrated to Austrilia for earning for a better living for him self and his family. He had to work hard for achieving a better standard of living. Thus, in the day time he worked as an AC mecanic and at night worked as a cab driver. However, even while earning with the sweat of his brow, he did not forget the golden principles of Sikhim of Kirat Karna, (earnest living) Naam Japana (rememberance of God) and Wand Chakna (sharing with the needy people). According to him, he had to follow his religious command of spending 10 percent of one’s income on helping the needy and the homeless.It is in view of this principle that on every last Sunday of the month, Tejinder finishes his shift as a driver and goes to northern Darwin where he feeds the poor and homeless, giving them a taste of Indian cuisine which includes chickpeas, rice and vegetarian curry cooked especially for them.
He prepares and carries 30 kg of Indian food in his van which has a sign that says ‘Free Indian food for hungry and needy people, Provide Sikh family.’ His son Navdeep helps him in cooking and distributing the meals, by reaching out to the hungry without fail, irrespective of their class and race. By doing so, Tejinder presents to the world, the role model of a true Gursikh and he along with his son inspire the people to follow the righiteous path shown by our Gurus. People who are impressed by his work often try to provide monetary support to Tejinder, but he refuses the favour. He says that rather than donating money, they should start their own food drives within the local community. This way of doing Nishkam Sewa (selfless service) and guiding others for such a service to mankind without making any discrimination on any ground. Makes S. Tejinder Pal Singh, a Gursikh role model.